Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I've been pretty tired over the past week. I'm not sure why. Is it because of all the politics at work and it is affecting my health? Is it work related stress? Is it not having enough sleep? I sometimes find myself staring at the screen at work where I see nothing but a blur.

I've been having headaches for the past few days now. The pain is on my left temple/forehead. Only the left. Nothing on the right nor the back. Just the left. It almost feels as if there is something in there. Shane, a work friend of mine, suggested that maybe I was stressed at work and perhaps I should take a day off. I'm not sure if I should. I always feel guilty taking sick leave. Eventhough I am not feeling well. I always have that feeling of guilt. Perhaps it is because a lot of people refer to it as "pulling a sickie". Although I am not, I am still worried people will accuse me. I have used that phrased before but only once or twice. When a colleague is sick and people ask, I usually say "He is sick today..." or " he is not well today..."

I do think I have enough sleep. I usually sleep for 6-7 hours. Any longer I feel restless. Like I feel I wasted my day. I am not a sleep-in kind of person. Even if I had a late night (more like all-nighters playing xbox) and I don't get to go to bed until 4-5 in the morning, I sleep and wake up around 10. I feel tired and fgeel shit for the rest of the day but I can't sleep anymore. However, I do sleep int he afternoons if I can. Take afternoon naps -unusual to some.

Some say that you feel sleepy just before the time that you were born. In my case I was born around 5pm. It makes sense because when I take a nap it is usually around 3-4pm for a couple of hours. I feel I've wasted part of my day too but I feel refreshed..but then I wouldn't be able to go to sleep that same night.

I'm getting a slight headache again..this time it is on my center-right forehead. Odd. Let this record show that I've had headaches in case I die tomorrow. Could be a brain tumour...


Shakoo said...

stop banging your head against the screen/keyboard/wall :-) i find that that usually helps :-)

B0LoG3R said...

since you brought this up, do u guys go for regular medical checks? I never really go to the doctor's unless Im really really sick (so that could mean once every couple of years)... if u do visit a doctor regularly, what do u get checked (e.g. blood pressure, sugar level, cholesterol level, etc)?

Shakoo said...

i get my blood test 1-2 times a year, but that's only since i started fighters class at balmoral, since you're not allowed to spar unless you're blood test shows that you don't have anything infectious... and since i'm getting my blood tested, i get them to check pretty much everything i can... as for the blood pressure, my parents have one of those digital home-sphygmomanometers that i make use of whenever i pop over to their place