Saturday, July 02, 2005

A Head Cold

so i was in town today, bought the usual rations from plus a poster to use for my Team Board at work-- just like in chess, the power to influence your fate lies on your position. lately, i've witnessed bad politics at work. never a good sight. but the culture seems to be "to just move on..." because the consensus is that, despite the hugs and keep-in-touch's when all is said and done, everyone moves on. even the bad apples just keep rolling once they fall off the basket. i, for one, strive to be an orange.


Pogz said...

Understand what you mean. I personally try to be part of the apples although I'm a banana. The politics here works slightly differently. I can't say if it is the culture of the whole company or just the surrounding arse holes.

They take you as a banana and welcome you as one of the apples. They then paint you as an apple and encourage you to be an apple until they all leave you on someones head so Robin Hood can shoot you like an apple.

I am a banana and I don't mind being an apple sometimes because the apples here are nothing like me. They are rotten apples.

Pogz said...

Fruit is good for you to help you recover from your cold.

Pogz said...

They do secretly treat you like a banana :) ... fruitism exists everywhere I guess..

Shakoo said...

Peanut butter!
Clap clap clap-clap-clap