Monday, November 28, 2005

Prima Donna

Several months ago we all took photos for our new security ID access cards. We were all told then that the same photos will be posted on our intranet site. The execs suggested this becuase we have hundreds of people in the office and without the photos, there is no face to the names unless you have dealt with them personally. Also this can help when you are looking for someone who works in a different department.

Two weeks ago, I was instructed to upload/update the new photos up into the intranet. So I started putting them on. Surprise, surprise...conspirer_1 complained to me immediately and "demanded" for his one to be taken down. I of course tried to but somehow due to some
unexplained event, my comptuer decided to crash and it took 30 minutes for me to get it back up again. This made conspirer_1 very angry. He was red! Almost funny...but I know the type of fuss he can create so I tried my best to take it down fast. He made such a huge deal of this -
he tattled to conspirer_2 and conspirer_3!. All three conspirer somehow have problems with having their photos taken. I don't usually blame people if they are shy but these three are not. They are more like Prima Donnas thinking they are better than everyone else and demand a whole lot of things. Conspirer_3 emailed me straight away and kindly asked me (surprisingly kind and calm) to take her photo down.
Which I did of course and I decided to ask conspirer_2 is she wants her one to be taken down as well. She said yes of course.

I told them that it was an executive order from HR and COO/Administration but I do not think they believe me. In fact, I'm willing to bet they think I'm a liar and was doing this just for fun.

Anyway, I went to HR and told them what happened and HR told me I did the right thing (to take it down temporarily). They were of course surprised because the three conspirers complained that this is a breach of privacy. I contacted the privacy commissioner (or whatever
his title is) and he said it shouldn't be a problem if the owners of the information were told before hand what the info is gonna be used for. In this case they all were. They simply deny it and the keyphrase here is Prima Donna...Apparently two of them complained to HR and the
head also threatened to complain to HR. I told the COO later and he could not believe the three conspirers went on such great lengths complaining about it...

It's been quiet since I took them down but I was so pissed off because they don't seem to believe me that it was an executive order, second they think I was doing it just to poke fun at them, and lastly these three think they are all that and think they are better than everyone
else! Even the top 2 highest ranking people have their photos up there!

The big question is, why don't they like having their photos there?

conspirer_1 has always been like that. He claims that the company may use his photo to submit to other companies like they do for awards and stuff. He doesn't like that. There is this annual awards and everytime he submits his application, he'll use his high school photo (which of
course was decades old). The awards council will send it back and ask for a more up to date photo and he will simply send back the same photo. This can go for several trips and in the end the council will simply give in. A bit childish if you ask me. To him it is more about safety. He always claims he's got a stalker (there is really no proof except his word which at this time is not 100% believable). Apparently there was this stalker who was a mental hospital patient. He also
complains about this other guy named Russell Brown. Russell use to work in the same radio station as him. conspirer_1 hates Russell because he thinks he is up himself and promoting hiimself all the time in the media as the "Internet Expert" which of course conspirer_1
thinks the title belongs to him. So I think you can see why he is a Prima Donna. He doesn't wear his id at work at all which is a breach of the security policy.

conspirer_2 had a different story. Of course I cannot confirm her story. She claims when she was born with a deformed upper lip or something like that. So for a while doctors were trying to fix it and everytime will take photos of it to monitor the healing. I think this would have been done when she was really young (most probably before she started talking) and everyone knows, it is not easy (in fact almost impossible) to remember anything before the time you started talking. Heck I don't even remember much before high school.
Anyway...there is nothign wrong with her now. She is just a plain Prima Donna... who thinks everyone should listen to alternative rock. She also likes gossipping about people she gossips with. She also doesn't wear her id at work which is a breach if the security policy.

conspirer_3 is the youngest of all. She doesn't like showing her photo. Her one is a bit of a weird situation. I do not remember her being like this when she first started working here. Yet now, she talks like conspirer_2. Her partner is a cop. She appeared once of twice in shortland street as an extra I think..I seem to recall that. Not that I watch shortland street all the time (ahem...) I think she only complains about this id thing because of conspirer_2. She does wear her id at work but she puts a picture of a cat on top of her photo. Somewhat a breach of security policy if you ask me. How can you identify a person without seeing the id photo? She's one of those who
thinks everyone else is you should listen to that radio station because I do not...that sort of thing. She and her cop partner are being gossipped upon by conspirer_2 and tag_along_1...

oh who is tag_along_1? She is this person who always tags_along conspirer_2 and conspirer_3 like they are all best friends. In fact conspirer_2 always talk about the other two behind their backs. tag_along_1 is apparently suicidal - as revealed by conspirer_2 openly. Funny thing is, I thik it may be true because tag_along_1 is always longing for attention and now acts like conspirer_2. And she is not even their age. tag_along_1 is like twice conspirer_3's age. Very
weird I think as I never see older people hang out with the younger crowd like that. Except of course conspirer_1 who hangs with university students...and he is like their grandpa. tag_along_1 recenly also asked for her photo to be taken off the intranet. Funny
thing is, her photo has always been there and its been there for months and months until she met conspirer_2 and conspirer_3.

Anyway...enough of this work politics. Why can't all people just be nice?

Friday, November 25, 2005


Not too long ago, some staff here at work (three to be exact)
conspired to get a sales guy fired (we'll call them conspirer_1,
conspirer_2, and conspirer_3). They hated him so much because he is a
happy Christian. They called him 'clappy'. But not only that of
course. The sales guy has been suffering from poor sales for months
now and instead of helping him achieve better results, these three
gave him shit and provided nothing but negative criticism. I remember
several months ago that he actually lost it but he somehow found
strength and carried on. Anyway, Ever since he was made 'redundant'
(official term) one of the three who conspired got his job, which is
Sales manager. She (conspirer_3) of course is inexperienced and
although she does rake some money in, she got the job because of how
well she bullshits. Well most sales people are like that anyway - at
least by reputation. This one just happens to be stereotypical.

This new sales manager got the job because she was the favourite of
the season of a certain influential cry baby (conspirer_1). The main
reason she got the job is, not becuase she can sell but because she
was cry baby's puppet. But this somewhat changed lately. She is still
a puppet. But the difficulty of the job is showing. Results are not at
all getting better. I think they are now in some crisis mode and
looking for a scape goat. I wouldn't be surprise if she started
looking for a new job to cover herself.

What I don't understand is, why is there no coaching available. Surely
the best way to do business is to train your staff to be better
instead of firing and hiring the same inexperienced ones? I say
inexperienced because they cannot afford experienced/successful ones.
Plus successful ones wouldn't wanna work in their bullshit negative

Just the other day, one of the three conspirers had an argument with a
different sales person. I'm not taking sides here but the argument was
pretty intense and extremely negative towards the sales guy. The sales
guy was basically asking for some space for a free ad to help lift the
image of the product and hopefully it will help make the product more
appealing to potential buyers (as indicated by feedback from buyers)
but conspirer_2 negatively and openly opposed him. Instead of saying
"no, i cannot do that because...", she went on the attack. Of course
the sales guys was surprised as he wasn't expecting something like
this from conspirer_2, especially it is not really her job. It is more
like the job of conspirer_1. They argued for a few minutes and beign
in an open plan office, the rest of the area were looking as well.

We'll see how this one plays out. I sense conspirer_3 won't be here
for very long as she herself is becoming a victim.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Bad news for Xbox

After just a day from the release of the new Xbox 360 in the US, users have reported glitches and crashing and they seem to be common occurences. Quite unusual if you think about it. Didn't Microsoft test them? Did they know there are problems? Or did they simply ignore it hoping the machines that go on sale are not duds? Microsoft did admit that there are glitches and offered to pay for the shipping to and from the repair centres.

Lets hope this gets better in future versions when the price of the console drops.

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Same Shit Different Day!

Sinc ethe beginning of the week I've been putting up photos on the intranet as per administration's request. Their are a few and I have to export each photo to reduce the quality just enough so as to not clog up the server space.

Today idiot found out and "demanded" it be taken down. What are the computer crashed and it took me half an hour to get it back up. Idiot took this as me refusing to take it down. He's email two of his other "team mates". Martial Bitch never said anything but I think she emailed HR and complained about it. Constable Bitch, I think, also emailed HR about but she emailed me too. She said in a sort of calm way...please take it down ...I don't want it up is a breach of privacy.

I'm emailed the office of the Privacy Commissioner about this and ask for an opinion. All three mother bitches claimed it is a breach in privacy. I don't think so but then again I may be wrong.

They are not the only ones who emailed HR. Me too...I emailed HR and told the HR manager of the problem and she couldn't believe it! She said, "I don't see what the problem is. They do not walk around with a paper bag on their heads." She went to ask the legal counsel (sits on next desk beside her) and she too said it does not breach privacy laws.

Now I think Martial Bitch and Constable Bitch both think that I'm in trouble with HR because they think I'm a prick who simply wanted to play tricks on them and put it up there. WRONG! I had orders from administration and this included the COO. In fact the COO was rushing me with this job. The HR manager told me, carry on uploading all the rest and I'll take the heat on these three. I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they find out that I was doing what was requested by HR. I wonder what they'll say then.

What annoys me is:
1) They think I'm doing this to have fun at their expense.

2) Idiot telling the other two...he is such a tattle tale.

3) I'm annoyed that they think they are so much better that everybody else that they do not have to do what others in the company is required to do. - Prima Donnas!

There is an explanation of the privacy act and this article pretty much states that:
1) you have to tell the person what the information is usewd for. In this case everyone were told that photos will be taken for the photo id cards and the photos will eventually be uploaded to the intranet to help identification in a large office environment.

2) The personal information cannot be used anywhere other than what it is intended for. In this case, the further it will go is the intranet phone book.

3) It also states that the company cannot release/disclose the personal information to third party agencies or persons. Which is the case here.

To be frank, I'm not sure what their problem is. I do not get what idiot is so concerned with. Is it because he is concerned that people will say he resembles a half shelled desert reptile?

Martial Bitch claims she has a phobia of some kind because when she was young she had a deformed upper lip of some shit like that. And that doctors have taken photos of her throughout her childhood...sounds like a lie to me...she looks perfectly normal and no operation can do that especially if the technology is 30 years ago.

Constable bitch actually don't look bad. She looks normal...I realy do not understand her problem. She is just using the breach of privacy and following the lead of the Martial Bitch and idiot.

I carried on adding photos to the intranet and made sure they saw it. So they'll know that I am not just fooling around with their photos.

It would be interesting to see their reaction when they get told by the HR that the request came from them. Proving them wrong.

If anybody have comments about the privacy act, please feel free to post a comment.

One last thing, if they are in pinas, patay na sila!

Hooray for tax cuts!

Michael Cullen is getting the pressure now. The Treasury is recommending tax cuts similar to what National proposed earlier during the election. Obviously National is not the only one who supports economic growth. Labour just do not understand this.

On a different note, I still do not understand why Winston Peters is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is clearly against foreigners, more specifically asians. He seem to deliver mixed messages...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Good news for student loan holders

The new government is pushing to have interest-free student loans.

However, unlike the last Lanour government promise, this time it looks like they are considering all student loan holders who are living in New Zealand.

I must admit that I wasn't expecting this from the Labour government since previously they only gave interest-free loans to students (students still studying) which means as soon as you get intot he work force, you get interest on your loan.

We'll see if this one comes true. It would be a good consolation prize for not havign a change in government.

Also, we have yet to see a change in the revenue-gathering *ahem** police system. So we'll keep an eye on that, too. More stories of 'sick police culture' are surfacing. Surely the governemnt will act.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Fireworks: Guy Fawkes revisted

Since my last posting about fireworks, I'm reconsidering my position regarding the legal status of fireworks.

Mainly because I am worried that education may not be enough to prevent disasters like these:

I'm afraid there is no hope for stupidity such as ones demonstrated by youths today. It is usually the combination of alcohol, peer pressure, boredom, and lack of education from parents.

There are several solutions to this problem and I do not think there is single solution that can solve all. Reviewing the law may now be necessary. Partial ban may be required. Increasing age restrictions.

I mentioned boredom above because youths today easily et bored. Why not let malls open later? I'd rather see children in malls than hanging out with peers plotting some crazy shit.

Peer pressure is probably one of the harder things to control. But parental education plays a part in this. As long as children are well educated by parents, kids will not easily give in to peer pressure.

I still think education plays an important part in preventing disasters during the fireworks season. So here is my bit in educating people young and old:

First, try to avoid getting drunk when playing with fireworks. Alcohol reduces your reaction time - i.e. your flight response goes down.

Second, never let your friends dare you into doing something dangerous. Do not let them tell you that it is ok and it is safe.

If you were held at gun point and were forced to have stick a rocket up your arse, try sticking the rocket further up so the sparks are at its furthest from your cheeks.

In case you weren't able to avoid 1 and 2, once the rocket is lit up...if you do start feelin' the heat, bending backwards will only make your arse hold on to the stick tighter. You will end up burning more of your arse...

And your arse will look like this...

And you my friend, can now be called a DUMB ARSE with a numb arse (and not so numb)!!!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Another day ruined by idiot

Imagine you are told to fish a normal sized basketball out of the middle of the ocean with both your hands and feet tied behind your back. Hard right...? Impossible maybe. Idiot enjoys these things.

Problem is you come up with ideas and they will work fine but the old fashion idiot gets in the way. True there are potential problems to any idea but instead of putting disclaimers and clear labels, idiot shuts them down ASAP. If I know better I'd say he doesn't like the ideas because he wasn't the one who thought about them. Reminds me of the scene in Spiderman 2...

Newspaper editor (how appropriate): We need to give a name to the new villain Dr Octavius.
Other guy (I forgot his name in the movie): How about Dr Octopus?
Newspaper editor: Stupid idea...
Other guy suggests other names
Newspaper editor: I about Dr Octopus! Doc Ock!


After deliberating this ingenious idea (exactly how idiot described it) he tried to get some people to his corner of the ring. So he asked over a couple of people. We explained to them. But to his surprise, they both liked the idea and thought any of idiot's concerns can easily be protected with safeguards - kinda like shields.

Idiot rambles on and knowing the idea is actually good, he focuses his attention on something else! He goes, "this is confusing! Shouldn't this be here and this there. I think anyone who comes here will become confused!"

More like just you! If you are so against it, why even bother commenting on the arrangement!? He then asks why his usual ally is quiet...hehe... sad really.

Just when you think its over (and he is going to dismiss the idea anyway) he focuses the attention to something else again! This time he focuses the attention to something that we agreed last year! Well I've already implemented what you wanted last year! It was an old matter.

Finally, thinking that the two focus shifts he made was enough justification, he rejects the idea openly. What a fucker!

I told myself yesterday that I'm not annoyed at his decision...but maybe I am just a little. Not because he rejected it. Not because he knew about it months ago and only decided to reject it now AFTER I completed it. But because of how he handled it.

This is a guy who claims he likes change. Hypocritical fucker!

On a separate but somewhat related matter, he tried to force the responsibility of this event to me when it is really someone else's. Funny thing is, idiot brought it up with his boss and she looked at this other person first instead of me. haha..clearly she thinks it is another person's responsibility too! Oh I don't mind helping though. Which I have initiated yesterday with the department responsible. So I'm working with them.

Yesterday I got a present in the mail. No it was not a bomb or white powder. It was in fact a chocolate fish. It came from a customer who rewarded me for my customer service efforts. How nice of her. The thing is, this customer service was not even my job...hehe. Do I get a praise from idiot about it? not really. Not as much as I deserve. He didn't even mention it to other department heads the way he usually mentions himself.

Don't wanna make too much fuss about it. Choc fish made my day - which later was ruined by idiot.

I love this job, but I hate THE idiot!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Fireworks blaze just averted

Would a video footage help? Or maybe a phone number of the offender?

So this is why my case was never followed up

A guy named Charles Simms (no not from the game) reported his van being stolen in September this year. He apparently reported it to the police and even provided a name and phone number.

The police never followed it up. Didn't do anything.

The herald reported that this is how the police handle crime reports (and what I think it means):

Mandatory services
Responding to ministerial correspondence (Speeding especially when the PM enjoys it)
Responding to parliamentary questions (Why were you speeding?)
Sudden deaths (Which sport?)

Critical services
Home burglaries (Even though this is under critical services, they do not respond for days)
Homicide (Now this one they do respond, hopefully on time though)
Serious drug offences (I think they use the confiscated drugs themselves and form a 'sick police culture' over in South Auckland)

Priority services
Vehicle theft (If this is a priority, why wasn't Simms' case followed up? Especially he gave the cops a lead)
Family violence (oh you mean police officers raping women?)
Child abuse (I hope so. Although Child, Youth and Family usually respond to these)
Robbery (ah yes, you dial 111 and report a robbery and the first thing they ask is if the offender is still there, if not, they continue on their sick culture and come several days later)

Commercial burglaries (I do not know why this is separate from Robberies...oh yes...the offender is not there so it is not priority!)
Theft from cars (As above, what is stopping them from investigating if leads are provided)
Company fraud (hey, steal millions of dollars from companies and the police may NOT investigate!)
Shoplifting (Commerical vs retail...since it is under the 'we don't care' section, might as well combine this with the Commerical Burglaries)

The police system is useless. The Herald did forget one thing under Mandatory. i.e. Revenue gathering, issuing speeding tickets, rituals for sick police culture!