Monday, October 31, 2005

Guy fawkes

Yesterday I was switching channels between NCIS, LOTR, and C4. On C4 there was this guy "reviewing" firecrackers that are currently available for purchase for the up coming Guy Fawkes Day on saturday (if I'm not mistaken).

This dumbass(!!!) is such a bad example. Considering he is showing this on TV and that the majority of viewers are youg people, I thought TV4 would have been more responsible when it comes on safety issues.

What this guy does is light up each one up and gives them scores (out of 5 I believe). The problem is, he holds each one using his left hand and lights them with a lighter using the right hand - WHILE HOLDING IT! How stupid can that be!? These are the fountain and spinning types - the one yo normally put on the ground.

The proper way of lighting them up is to put them on the ground first and make sure they are firmly on the ground. i.e. they are not wobbling on an uneven surface. Then light them up. Better still, these packs you can buy usually comes with a plastic base/stand where you can secure the firecracker befre lighting them. The reason for this is sometimes the force of the flames can cause the firecracker to tip on its side and may endanger people around it.

This guy never followed any of the safety procedures! I think this poses a very bad example for young people who today already cause a lot of problems during Guy Fawkes. We all enjoy fireworks and I am not an exception. In fact I think educating people about fireworks is more important than banning them altogether. We are after all are not in the hitler era.

Shame on you C4!

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