Monday, October 31, 2005

Worse than a teenage girl in a clothing store

Another annoying day.

I have this project right... I wrote up a document describing it weeks
ago where this person, whom for the sake of this entry we'll call him
"idiot", approves it.

Initial idiot said he wanted this project to look like so and so.

So..I made it look like so and so just as he asked. I also documented
all these in my paperwork complete with layout diagrams and page

I've completed this project and now I need for idiot to check it, he
changes his mind and complains about the layout and design and shit.
He wants this changed, he wants that changed...what happened to the
document you agreed on several weeks ago?!?

Knowing idiot, I sorta expected it. Now the layout looks nothing like
the original planned.

I don't get. I had someone else tried using this site and she, without
confusion and question, was able to find her way around!

I reckon it must be old age kickin in...he complains quite often about
this other colleague of ours and idiot calls him thinks he
is not far away.

Guess What...

Police are on spot light again?

At the beginning of the year when I made a complaint to the police about a theft incident, they didn't do anything. They completely ignored my story (check out the June Archive). But since then police incompetence seem to have quiet down a bit until today.

Police ignore park thieves on film
Now this is just sad. I feel a bit better now as my complaint to the cops didn't have the benefit of a security camera unlike this one. Although I did have a document with photo evidence and witness accounts. It was like I did the investigation for them. But they ignored it. Don't get me wrong. I'm way over it - for a long time. I have some to accept that the cops in this town are stupid and incompetent. To be fair to good cops, it is the police system that doesn't work.

Fines in mail for dobbed-in drivers
Here is another one. Is this even legal? So this means anyone can make a complaint about anyone and they will be given a ticket!?

I think this is unfair and not on! A warning would be more appropriate. Another symptom of the ailing police system.

Guy fawkes

Yesterday I was switching channels between NCIS, LOTR, and C4. On C4 there was this guy "reviewing" firecrackers that are currently available for purchase for the up coming Guy Fawkes Day on saturday (if I'm not mistaken).

This dumbass(!!!) is such a bad example. Considering he is showing this on TV and that the majority of viewers are youg people, I thought TV4 would have been more responsible when it comes on safety issues.

What this guy does is light up each one up and gives them scores (out of 5 I believe). The problem is, he holds each one using his left hand and lights them with a lighter using the right hand - WHILE HOLDING IT! How stupid can that be!? These are the fountain and spinning types - the one yo normally put on the ground.

The proper way of lighting them up is to put them on the ground first and make sure they are firmly on the ground. i.e. they are not wobbling on an uneven surface. Then light them up. Better still, these packs you can buy usually comes with a plastic base/stand where you can secure the firecracker befre lighting them. The reason for this is sometimes the force of the flames can cause the firecracker to tip on its side and may endanger people around it.

This guy never followed any of the safety procedures! I think this poses a very bad example for young people who today already cause a lot of problems during Guy Fawkes. We all enjoy fireworks and I am not an exception. In fact I think educating people about fireworks is more important than banning them altogether. We are after all are not in the hitler era.

Shame on you C4!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Conversation heard at work

2 girls and a an australian guy, talking about the plant beside their desks...

Blonde 1: What does it mean when the leaves turn brown?

Blonde 2: It means the plant is dying.

Blonde 1: [Startled and worried look on her face]

Plant Lady walks pass...

Australian Guy (asking the plant lady): Does it hurt them if you cut the leaves?

Friday, October 14, 2005

Drinking Lesson

I hope you don't do this shakoo. (wait for it to load fully then watch the normal speed)

Rabbit Sex



Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rats as big as cats

This is cool man. I saw the other photo where a man was holding one of the rats. Huge as. You can put them on a leash and take them for a walk.

(Source: NZ Herald)

Giant rats put to work detecting mines

MOZAMBIQUE - Gambian giant pouch rats are being put to work in Vilancoulos, southern Mozambique, to detect mines planted in the country's 20-year civil war. The rats are trained from an early age to associate the scent of explosives with a food reward and indicate the suspected presence of explosives by grooming and scratching the earth. The rats, which grow as large as a domestic cat, have a sense of smell as powerful as that of a dog. They have also been used in the diagnosis of tuberculosis by smelling blood samples in a Belgian research programme. The clearing of Mozambique's many minefields is funded by international donations, the country's non-government organisations and the Government.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ghost in the machine

I was on my way to work two days ago when I stopped at the Nelson Street Off-ramp traffic light from the N'Western M'Way. I sat in the middle lane waiting for the light to turn green. It didn't take long. I changed into 1st gear and started rolling.

Suddenly, my engine went dead. I let go of the clutch and I felt the engine breaking. I stopped in the middle and for a few seconds I was blcoking everyone else on the road.


I held the clutch in and pressed on my ignition and the engine started again. By this time the lights went red again so I stayed there until it was my turn to go. All the time I was sitting there, I reviewed what had happened in my head. It wasn't clear but due to the circumstances I concluded that I must have miscalculated my clutch release and the engine died. Simple.

Do you want to hear something freaky?

Tonight after work I was on my way home. I left work late so it was already dark and the motorway was pretty clear. It wasn't raining, thank goodness, but it was windy. So there I was on the N'Western M'Way heading Northwest...I was travelling at flight speed with my headlights on.

Approaching the waterview exit, all of a sudden my engine died. My headlights turned off. I was still in gear and since there is no power, the bike started slowing down. I cautiously proceeded changing lanes towards the shoulder...I was on the fast lane. I had to pull my clutch in just to make sure I can enough roll.

When I stopped safely on the shoulder. I thought, shit! I hope it is not my battery dying. I don't even recall leaving headlights on or draining the battery in some way. I remembered what had happened to me 2 days earlier. It looked familiar.

I looked at my dash and it was ll off. I tried to figure it out although I was not panicking. By accident I managed to turn the key and I saw the red light on the dash come on.

I paused - wait a second. How can the ignition be in the off position. I never turned it off. I was going at flight speed looking on the road and no where were my hands anywhere near the ignition key.

I turned the key and started the engine. The engine started first time.

But that's not all. Here is the weirder dash back light is off because my headlights were off. How can this be. It was on. I always turn it on even during the day time and I certainly would turn it on at night. It was on as soon as I got out of the carpark...My headlight switch is one of those lever type and turns off when you pull the level towards the right. So even if I accidentally pushed the headlight switch, it would not have turned off.

How can:
1) My engine turn off by itself; my ignition turning into off position when I have not touched it while I was going at fligth speed?
2) My headlights turn off when I was nowhere near the switch and even if I was to accidentally push the switch, it would have gone to the "on" position?

the weirdest bit is, how can 1) and 2) happen at the same time?

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Another Bali Bombing

What is the reason this time? Why would terrorists keep on bombing tourist places like these? If they want to make a statement, perhaps they should organise an attack on government buildings and officials instead of the members of the public.

Back with the old I guess

National leader Don Brash finally conceded ... Helen Clark is again NZ's Prime Minister and we again have a Labour-led government.

While some may disagree, I do think this is NOT the best for NZ. In fact, more than 70 percent of people at my work disagree with this result.

No it is not the rich people voting! None of us at work are rich folks. Just normal people. Not the highly paid tv/news type of people.

Personally one of the changes I want to see is the improvement of the Police System so that the police will better protect and serve the people who ultimately are their employers. I do not want to pay cops to gather more revenue from me. I want the police to investigate crime no matter how small and not wait until a dairy worker gets killed because every other complaint in the area was ignored.

Taxes. While taxes are essential for the running of the country, I do not believe in paying more than I should so that the government will have too much of a surplus. I do not believe in people living off dole. Yes, benefits can help some people get back on their feet or survive through studying. But I've paid enough tax to repay what I received and much much more.

Yehey for the student loan holders?!? Student loan interests will be written off by Labour. Is this for all student loan holders? Or is it just for the students? Abolishing the interest rates will encourage new students to borrow more. What about working people with student loans? Don't they get interest write offs? Oh that they are working, they are wait! They're not forgotten. These are the people who will be funding the new students!

Roading and public transport. These two are in conflict. Some people say roading is more important especially for businesses. While others prefer public transport. Personally, I think we need both. We need roads so businesses can transport goods. So that people who build this country can go to work. Public transport cannot do that - "Hey boss, hurry up with my deliveries. I need to catch the 470 bus!". In saying that we do need public transport for "public transport" We have a pathetic train system. Our bus system is not so efficient. Hopefully Helen can give us more roads and more public transport.

I only know a few people who support Labour. I am not criticising you for voting for the government who you think is going to serve your best interest. In fact, we all vote for the government we think is going to serve us best. In a way we are all selfish. But one thing I do find is that some people tend to choose a government based on what they want in the near future. Such as within the government's term. I made that mistake once as a student. Now that I'm not a student anymore, the government has forgotten about me.

Somehow the government can only see the lazy as folks and continue to give them benefits and shit. They don't contribute to society! What about prisoners? I hear they get fed a lot with motel like facilities. They are in a rehab program, not on holiday!

The Greens...what about them tree-huggers huh? Look dudes, I care about nature and trees and I am against polluting the earth and shit but the Greens are going to take us back into the stone age. That caveman Nandor Tancos is definitely in the "stoned" age. Apparently he is now goign to the bush to medidate since he lost his seat. While you're at it you probably want to tend to your hydroponics eh?

What is it with the GE debate? Granted, GE can be dangerous if not used properly but banning it does not help progress. We are not gods but if "God" gave us the brains then I do not see why we can't use it to better ourselves. All we need is better regulation.

*sigh* enough ranting...good morning...

Saturday, October 01, 2005

road rage

in recent times, i have learned to simmer down when ever i feel engaged in a heated argument, or when i can see the symptoms of this malady coming to a head. today, i neither had control nor the predisposition to rise above a case of road rage.

i was waiting for a parking space to be vacated by a shopper, and i reversed by a bit to make more room for him. as i look at the back, there's another car parked behind me. i thought, "plenty of room", so i did what i had to. then he honked at me with some degree of passion, which prompted me to release my seat belt prematurely. my mother, whose company i kept this afternoon, became anxious as she is aware of the Hulk fighting to get out. instead, i merely waited patiently in my seat, and tried to park the car gracefully as the previous occupant was leaving. but as i was driving in, the driver in the other car stared me down, and talked as if in a silent movie behind their shut windows. bad move. as soon as i parked the car, i marched to his direction, and naturally, we had a colourful exchange of words. my mother held me with her wisdom: "don't stoop down to their level". by then i knew i was doing more damage to us more than to anyone else. and i stopped.