Friday, January 05, 2007

Miis in Wii

As I've mentioned in a previous entry, the Wii menu is made up of channels. like so...

In the Mii Channel, I've created several Miis (including the Kuyas)...see them below in formation.

They are not entirely accurate of course ... some need a bit more tweaking...couldn't quite get it.

This is Lor. (NB: I've also included the Ates)

This is Jiggasaurus.

This one's Ernie.

This one is Godzilla.

Myself...see the controls? That's how you change features... you can change anything from height and weight to the mouth. Even the size and colour of facial features and their tilt angles.

This particular one is very accurate I think because everyone who's seen it knew straight away who it is. :) (Notice the goatie?)

Here's Dia...

There are others in the previous post and the last one is Rennanimal. This form wouldn't let me add it. But you should be able to find him in the formation pix above.