Sunday, September 18, 2005

Busy Times

It's been at least a week since I properly entered something in this blog. I've been busy for the past 2 weeks due to a couple of "projects at work" and it's not over. I have another one coming up which I'm due to start next week. This is, of course, in addition to my alreasy hectic schedule.

The week before last was the last week of a competition we run at work involving children. I got so many phone calls and emails from students, teachers, and a couple of parents. Some begging for an extension, some complaining about certain rules, but most are just asking for help or a nudge in the right direction. There is one question (which I will not post here) that somehow never gets resolved. We've been running this for many years now and people still ask the same question. It is definitely the ultimate "FAQ". May be there is a bettewr way of tackling the problem but I personally think it has something to do with knowledge of how the internet works.

Last week was the week of elimination where we eliminate entries and cull them down to the finalists. Most of the time it is fairly easy to do but it is the top 15-20 that is usually the hardest. Thank goodness I'm not one of the judges. I'll leave that for others to decide. We do have a system of judging but judging is never easy. It is not a simple TXTing who to eliminate like they do in the idols.

In addition to this, we also had an election yesterday! Elections are always tricky for the parties involved and the voters. The problem is politicians hide facts in favour of their policies. A very good example of this is the Labour Party's Student Loan figures drama that happened a couple of days ago. Who knows what the politicians are thinking. The results are realy close though for the two major parties. But at this time we still do not know who will govern or what coalition will form, not to mention the special votes that remain to be counted.

I'm not one that usually tries to convince people who to vote nor do I ask who people will vote for. I do ask whether you've decided but I never go further than that. That's because I believe who you vote for is not of my business. It is a personal choice. It is as personal as your privates. It's like asking, "Hey, do you have one or two testicles?"

Apart from it being a private matter, I think it is also the awkwardness that follows a conversation after you find out the other person is voting for someone else. This awkwardness is not because of the diference in your choices but for me it is the look they give you...kinda like "What..?? You are voting for them?" or the never ending "preachings" that you shouldn't vote for the party you just mentioned. The other day I spoke to a friend and he said he is voting Act. I personally think voting for a minor party like that is a wasted vote ( and the 1.5% percentage says that). That vote was better off going to a similar party who in this case could be the determining factor. But I did not say that. Because he is entitled to his own opinion and decision. I also provided him with a summary of what I think of the parties and he also respected my views.

Elections can make people as annoying as Jehovah's witnesses that come knocking on your door (don't get me wrong, you are entitled to your own religion. Whatever makes you happy as long as you do not try to recruit me.) I've had some people at work who think they are always correct and think anyone who is different is the devil. But I guess that is because they are journalists or at least influenced by their journo husbands, wives, or friends. There is this lady (whom I've spoken of in previous entries) who apparently has been preaching the Greens. Anyone she speaks to ... clients, colleagues, ... Someone said thay she didn't even sounded like her but she sounded more like her partner who is an editor of a community newspaper. I tell you elections can change some people...

Anyway, it is not over yet. This election was not a clean cut as the previous one so it will be an interesting week.

Shakoo..I know you have opinions on this so feel free to can talk about MMP, too, if you want.

Oh...btw. If any politician gets to read this blog, all I want is a change in the police system. More real police work please - you know, stopping real crime, investigating real cases. Issuing tickets and revenue gathering is not real police work. Catching the guys who vandalised my bike is.

Almost forgot to mention that I went to the Home Show yesterday. It was bigger than last so thumbs up there. I walked around for 7 or so hours! When I got to the last hall, there was a stand for the NZ Police. As usual, promoting the police, trying to recruit, but mainly making people aware of the 111 system. The cop came to me as I walked pass very tired almost dragging my feet - he said "He you go sport, put it on you fridge." It was a fridge magnet with the big "111" on it. I was ssooooooooooooooo tempted to say: "Hey thanks, a taxi may come in handy some time. Oh by the way, have you found the culprits that stripped my bike?" But I didn't I thought doing so will make me as low as them. God I hate these cops!

B0log3r didn't come. I thought he would but I guess he was probably hung over from his 9th-21st Bday Party. Yummy food, lots of people... the usual. Always great to go to his parties as his in-laws always prepare home cooked traditional (pinoy) food. Food I don't always get to eat. There are other things that happened on friday but I'll leave that to B0log3r to enter. Of course considering he may not remember the whole night :), the rest of us can fill/correct in as needed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

no wonder the dukes of hazzard hate 'em cops too! ;) from this day forward, you shall be known as duke pogz!