Sunday, August 19, 2007

Qee: A new obsession...

...not mine (just yet), but i just stumbled upon this new thing for my vocab - Qee (kwee). a quick search through wiki established the validity of the article about Bart Simpson Qees designed as Bartman and Daredevil! darn, the Simpsons marketing machine is running full speed ahead all thanks to the movie, which i've yet to see. check out the qee samples below, with Bart's likeness and their various designs.
some geeks design their own! i like this one here just for creativity and the colour...
...this, not so much.
and they even have pets! down, boy!
and something to overcome that Cow Stage trauma in Diablo!
and something for those fans of anything Bill Gates (i really can't wait 'til Halo 3!).

the QEE, amen.


Pogz said...

yeah you better complete your xmen first eh?! :)

Unknown said...

gogogo, marvel superheroes! :)