Thursday, October 11, 2007

Random Thoughts During A Sick Leave

i guess a sick leave can easily translate into a day filled with bed sheets, a near doctor's visit (bloody 60-minute queue, no thanks!), working out Halo 2 in the ol' Xbox, and of course Dr Phil. i have also found out that Alyssa Milano is joining My Name Is Earl, that Samsung fridges are overpriced in the Aussie market, and that I needed a revision on how Churrascaria is supposed to be pronounced.

in between hot meals, i managed to complete a meeting minutes for submission to my boss, and i've been volunteered to organise the Xmas-do for our team. no problemo, except that instead of having an adventure filled with exotic foodstuffs for the company-sponsored luncheon, our only choice apparently is plenty of meat (thus, that Churras word above)! NOTE: don't be fooled, I'm a meat lover.

despite the gripes, today i was content being armed with my car, my cellphone (who the heck still uses that word!), and my trusty HP Pavilion. but what do those bloodshot eyes mean? eye strain, perhaps. it's the computer screen at work, and it's the laptop screen at home (add a sprinkle of problematic staffers). what's going on?! time to take a break, the missus says. oh well, there's Heroes, Smallville, and Bionic Woman to devour. signing out, peace.

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