Sunday, October 28, 2007

Jesse Stone

i happen to like the Jessie Stone series starring Tom Selleck, and to think i just stumbled upon it during a sleepless night. so far, i've managed to catch 3 episodes on melbourne's broadcast tv close to the witching hour. the character has this hyperactive sense of responsibility that seem to survive his addiction to good whiskey (as a coping mechanism for being left by his wife?). i have to admit that there were a couple of instances when i thought i'd zone out, but they kept me afloat!

i've since found out that the series was inspired by Robert B Parker novels. but what's weird with the episodes that were shown is that i don't think i've seen them in sequence. i thought the network made a mistake here, but apparently this was intentional from its original production (flashback?).

i think i'm ready for another session set in Paradise sometime soon. bring on the Stone-cold sense of justice. i can sense a parable....

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