Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Movie Review: The Da Vinci Code

As most people flocked the Gold Class for this much-awaited film, I think most of them were expecting a bed scene involving Mary Magdalene! So everyone probably went home saying it's all so boring. All kidding aside, I'd give this film 3.5 out of 5 stars. And with that out of the way, let's get down to the essence of it.

The movie was a very good adaptation of the book. Remember that word: "adaptation". This must not be mistaken for the book itself, that's a purely different encounter (as I stubbornly learned eventually). So for those of you who haven't read Dan Brown's bestseller, even if you're not into reading books, do give this one a try if you want to savour the universally-famous DVC adventure. And you might as well throw in Angels And Demons for safe measure.

Going back to the silverscreen, unfortunately the entire experience for me was spent either admiring the portrayal of Langdon (although his dialogue played safe towards the whole Church conspiracy) or deciding whether that particular scene was actually in the text (thus, my mention of adaptation).

The runaway performance would have to have come from the ever versatile Sir Ian McKellen (Magneto or Gandalf?) as Sir Leigh Teabing. "Sophie" was ok, but I thought the aptly named Sophie Marceau should've played the part, as I imagined the character to be more mature than Audrey Tatou.

The plot development was swallowed by the whole Paris landscape, and although that was an integral part of the book, I thought it was slightly distracting for the pacing of the movie. I wish the initial Louvre sequence had more substance to it though. I didn't particularly like Ron Howard's somewhat sublime style on this adaptation, but I would still recommend it to anyone looking for a good mystery film.

Oh. the drama of the last scene is a fitting ending.

Finally, my question that I pose to all who have seen it and read the book as well: where's Mickey Mouse?

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