Thursday, July 06, 2006

Great new idea for the police

The Police Commissioner Howard Broad found it offensive that the poilice have a quota system. Here’s a quote from him:

"I have a fundamental opposition to that because quotas, to me, suggest that we are somehow a beneficiary of what it is that we do, that we are collecting the revenue, that we are somehow punching the ticket along the way, that officers are somehow benefiting from this,"

My question is, Aren’t you? Doesn’t this help buy your toilet paper in the stations because you are all shit?

Here’s another one:

"That's just not the case. We're not a bunch of bounty hunters who are out there ticketing for ticketing's sake."

I have a great new idea. How about solving crime for solving crime’s sake! There are lots of unsolved crimes on your desks so how about this great idea…How about a crime solving quota!?

Hey what you think of that? It doesn’t have to be a daily quota. It can be a weekly or monthly quota. You can start with say solving 7 crimes a week each. If you feel lucky, solve 10. Hey by the end of the year you would have solved all the crimes!


B0LoG3R said...

I think if they really want to reduce speeders, why not just take demerit points instead of giving ticket/fines as well? It's all about the money!

Unknown said...

they should suspend car regos as well. suggest that during the next local council meeting.