Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Home Brew: Day 2

Looking good so far. Monday night I got home worried that the yeast in my brew might die due to excess heat. The temperature must be kept between 18-28C. My brew is sitting in the garage (because that is the only place the wife will allow it. Ideally I'd like it to sit on the kitchen bench). But luckily when I got home, the temperature was at 24C and I imagine during the day it wouldn't have gone higher than 26C in the garage.

Last night it was at 24C and this morning at 22C. I did my first specific gravity (SG) monitoring last night and it was sitting at 1.022 from 1.049 two days ago. What this is measuring is the sugar level in the brew. Higher means more sugar. Since the SG dropped, it meant the sugar is being consumed by the yeast and CO2 and alcohol is produced as a by product.

From the top there is this airlock where the CO2 comes out and you can see bubbles inside indicating CO2 presence. The brew is also starting to smell like beer now. It smelt like stale beer at the moment and when I took a sample through the tap, there was this huge foam head.

A good sign...

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