Monday, December 11, 2006

Home Brew: Day 30

Three weeks had passed since I bottled my home brew. Actually I couldn't wait and opened a bottle 2 days before.

I must say that I'm quite satisfied with the results. Well I wasn't sure what to expect. What was I looking for...was it drinkable? Was it contaminated? Does it taste good?

First of all it is not with any culture where you grow some kind of organism, there is always a chace of cross-contamination. In this case, I've been observing the bottle every week. The solution was clear and the yeast sits at the bottom of the bottle.

It was certainly drinkable and the taste was uite alright.

This formula is called Pale Ale so the taste is not like your normal heinaken or Steiny. It is a bit more full bodied...Malty...

I told my colleagues about it and one of the first things they asked..."is it bubbly?" I said yes...Then they said "because that is one of the harder things to accomplish...for the beer to be bubbly" I told that when I opened the first bottle, I forgot I was pouring beer and I poured it into a glass straight...and there was a 1-1.5 inch foam head and it almost overflowed...

They all cheered in approval..."then it's good! Once you get the foam, it means you've done it right..."

I was relieved...

I'm not sure what the alcohol content is but I certainly felt the effect of the alco after I had a glass..However, the beer is quite heavy...I couldn't have a second glass or at least I didn't try...I wonder if leaving it in the bottle a bit longer will age it and make it better.

What's next? I'm already planning to start fermenting the next kit...possibly one of the darker ones...need some empt bottles though and I'm thinking whether to let the current one age further and buy new bottles or drink these ones first before starting the next one...

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