Thursday, April 06, 2006


I haven’t forgotten…been very busy for the past few weeks and more so this week. Especially now that I’ve been given another responsibility in the wrong direction…

Our Australian counterpart decided to drop the complimentary CD  that goes out with the mag each month which is identical to the CD for NZ. And since Australia produces the CD, the responsibility of making the CD is now on my plate.

I don’t mind learning new things but there is nothing new to learn from this. It is a huge time waster for me. The CD is a simple data cd where every month I have to put together the content and installer files and create a master CD or ISO which I then have to send (back) to Australia for pressing.

I can’t really complain much and if I refuse to do this, it will disrupt the production cycle, etc.

Anyway tonight I have the Web Awards event to go to. As always, I’ve been given the job of collecting tickets and greeting guests. Our speaker tonight is Sam Morgan – looking forward to listen to him talk.


Shakoo said...

guess i should blog more as well then huh? :-) i'd blog via email, but it's a bit of a pain, what with the disclaimer at the bottom of the email and everything if sending from work, and since i'm lazy, the extra step of sending it from my treo is too much ^_^

Pogz said...

Remember my blog entry about blogger for word? Install that and you and blog from MS Word.

Shakoo said...

unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on whichever way you look at it) - i don't sit inside windows too often, what with looking after *nix systems and all ^_^