Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Waste of taxpayers’ money?

Saw on the breakfast news show this morning that after one year, there were only 460 gay couples who got ‘married’ after the civil union act came into effect.

That is very low compared to 21,000+ normal couples getting married.

I wonder how much tax payers’ money was spent in forming and finalising this act.

There are a couple of ‘couples’ featured on the herald today; one straight and one gay. The straight couple (Mike and Tracy Peters of Christchurch) said “they were not religious and had no desire for a traditional wedding”. If that is the case, then why don’t they simply go to a registry office and register there as a married couple? They do not need a church to get married. A lot of people get married using a celebrant and not priests in church altars. Some may argue that this Act is for protecting de facto relationships as well. If it is for de facto relationships, to give them protection, wouldn’t an amendment to the normal marriage law be good enough instead of creating a new law for gays?

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