Monday, June 26, 2006

Brrrrr cold...

It was a bit cold this morning

It was the first time this year that my car had this much ice on it! So i grabbed a couple of empty sipper bottles that i keep in my boot for occasions such as this (no i'm not lazy, i really do keep things like that in my boot)...

So I wombled on back to the kitchen to fill up the bottles with hot water and went back to the car and began to liberally spray the windows to melt the ice... used up one bottle and thought, cool i can keep the other bottle for some other time... but upon sitting down and looking through the windscreen, i realised my mistake as half of the windscreen was still covered in semi-translucent ice...

So out we went again with the second sipper bottle of (now) warm water and emptied that on it... Doesn't the roof of my car look pretty :-)


Pogz said...

yes it was. nice though. hey! even your rego plates have ice on it :)))

Shakoo said...

yeah, funny that :-)