Friday, November 04, 2005

Another day ruined by idiot

Imagine you are told to fish a normal sized basketball out of the middle of the ocean with both your hands and feet tied behind your back. Hard right...? Impossible maybe. Idiot enjoys these things.

Problem is you come up with ideas and they will work fine but the old fashion idiot gets in the way. True there are potential problems to any idea but instead of putting disclaimers and clear labels, idiot shuts them down ASAP. If I know better I'd say he doesn't like the ideas because he wasn't the one who thought about them. Reminds me of the scene in Spiderman 2...

Newspaper editor (how appropriate): We need to give a name to the new villain Dr Octavius.
Other guy (I forgot his name in the movie): How about Dr Octopus?
Newspaper editor: Stupid idea...
Other guy suggests other names
Newspaper editor: I about Dr Octopus! Doc Ock!


After deliberating this ingenious idea (exactly how idiot described it) he tried to get some people to his corner of the ring. So he asked over a couple of people. We explained to them. But to his surprise, they both liked the idea and thought any of idiot's concerns can easily be protected with safeguards - kinda like shields.

Idiot rambles on and knowing the idea is actually good, he focuses his attention on something else! He goes, "this is confusing! Shouldn't this be here and this there. I think anyone who comes here will become confused!"

More like just you! If you are so against it, why even bother commenting on the arrangement!? He then asks why his usual ally is quiet...hehe... sad really.

Just when you think its over (and he is going to dismiss the idea anyway) he focuses the attention to something else again! This time he focuses the attention to something that we agreed last year! Well I've already implemented what you wanted last year! It was an old matter.

Finally, thinking that the two focus shifts he made was enough justification, he rejects the idea openly. What a fucker!

I told myself yesterday that I'm not annoyed at his decision...but maybe I am just a little. Not because he rejected it. Not because he knew about it months ago and only decided to reject it now AFTER I completed it. But because of how he handled it.

This is a guy who claims he likes change. Hypocritical fucker!

On a separate but somewhat related matter, he tried to force the responsibility of this event to me when it is really someone else's. Funny thing is, idiot brought it up with his boss and she looked at this other person first instead of me. haha..clearly she thinks it is another person's responsibility too! Oh I don't mind helping though. Which I have initiated yesterday with the department responsible. So I'm working with them.

Yesterday I got a present in the mail. No it was not a bomb or white powder. It was in fact a chocolate fish. It came from a customer who rewarded me for my customer service efforts. How nice of her. The thing is, this customer service was not even my job...hehe. Do I get a praise from idiot about it? not really. Not as much as I deserve. He didn't even mention it to other department heads the way he usually mentions himself.

Don't wanna make too much fuss about it. Choc fish made my day - which later was ruined by idiot.

I love this job, but I hate THE idiot!

1 comment:

Pogz said...

In his own little way, i think he tried to apologise today...didn't work though.