Friday, November 25, 2005


Not too long ago, some staff here at work (three to be exact)
conspired to get a sales guy fired (we'll call them conspirer_1,
conspirer_2, and conspirer_3). They hated him so much because he is a
happy Christian. They called him 'clappy'. But not only that of
course. The sales guy has been suffering from poor sales for months
now and instead of helping him achieve better results, these three
gave him shit and provided nothing but negative criticism. I remember
several months ago that he actually lost it but he somehow found
strength and carried on. Anyway, Ever since he was made 'redundant'
(official term) one of the three who conspired got his job, which is
Sales manager. She (conspirer_3) of course is inexperienced and
although she does rake some money in, she got the job because of how
well she bullshits. Well most sales people are like that anyway - at
least by reputation. This one just happens to be stereotypical.

This new sales manager got the job because she was the favourite of
the season of a certain influential cry baby (conspirer_1). The main
reason she got the job is, not becuase she can sell but because she
was cry baby's puppet. But this somewhat changed lately. She is still
a puppet. But the difficulty of the job is showing. Results are not at
all getting better. I think they are now in some crisis mode and
looking for a scape goat. I wouldn't be surprise if she started
looking for a new job to cover herself.

What I don't understand is, why is there no coaching available. Surely
the best way to do business is to train your staff to be better
instead of firing and hiring the same inexperienced ones? I say
inexperienced because they cannot afford experienced/successful ones.
Plus successful ones wouldn't wanna work in their bullshit negative

Just the other day, one of the three conspirers had an argument with a
different sales person. I'm not taking sides here but the argument was
pretty intense and extremely negative towards the sales guy. The sales
guy was basically asking for some space for a free ad to help lift the
image of the product and hopefully it will help make the product more
appealing to potential buyers (as indicated by feedback from buyers)
but conspirer_2 negatively and openly opposed him. Instead of saying
"no, i cannot do that because...", she went on the attack. Of course
the sales guys was surprised as he wasn't expecting something like
this from conspirer_2, especially it is not really her job. It is more
like the job of conspirer_1. They argued for a few minutes and beign
in an open plan office, the rest of the area were looking as well.

We'll see how this one plays out. I sense conspirer_3 won't be here
for very long as she herself is becoming a victim.

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