Friday, January 27, 2006

Cunningness Misplaced (Partie Deux)

Last week I posted Cunningness Misplaced" which is in a nutshell is about the police catchign red light runners on Nelson St just off the N'West M'Way. Well today they are at it again. This time there was no cop on the corner. Perhaps it didn't work quite well the last time so this time they've decided to hide. They posted stops about 100 metres in (which is the exact legal requirement - i.e. cops have to be visible for 100 metres if they were to set a trap. This rule may be old and obsolete since they seem to change the rules without really telling people). Good thing traffic is not as bad today.
For them to setup another trap like this which is quite dangerous and a nuisance on peak hour traffic, the revenue gathering must have gone really well. They can't wait to gather more revenue. I'm not sure how the financial year works for the Police but perhaps it ends in March/April and they are trying to catch up?

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