Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Arrived from Singapore last night; luckily the airline’s permanent “station” is Terminal 3. Otherwise we would have been one of the victims of the Terminal 5 chaos which started last Thursday. I’m feeling very jetlagged and am suffering from bowel disorders – I’m practically a hose and my body can’t seem to absorb food and liquid. I even threw up the night before and clogged the sink in the hotel room.

I haven’t done much today…tried to have some food, got an oyster card, and went to the local supermarket.

My first impressions of London are that it seems to be a gloomy place. Everything seems to be run down. The Tube doesn’t seem to be as advanced as I thought it would be but maybe only because I’m comparing it to Singapore’s MRT.

Probably won’t do anything else today as I’m really feeling ill. Plus I do not have Internet yet…feeling isolated from the real world.

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