Friday, December 02, 2005

Well well!!!

Last wednesday nite was only the second time that I'd given blood this year, I usually manage to get 3 donations in, and occasionally a 4th one in just before christmas... Reason last nite was only the 2nd time was because the last time I got a call asking me to come in as someone needed some of my blood, my iron count was a bit below the level that they require you to have, or they won't take your blood...

Reason for that would have been because, I had been working pretty hard and as such hadn't been eating properly hence why my lower than usual blood iron levels...

So yeah, after easily meeting the iron level requirement, I happily gave blood. On average, it takes me about 5.5-6 minutes to give 470mls of blood. I'd have to say that yesterdady, it only took me 5m02s, probably due to me being rather eager ^_^ wonder how much faster I could give blood?

So after giving, and waiting a couple of minutes as per the nurses instructions, I hopped off, grabbed a drink and some bickies (mmmm gingernut biscuits!) and went on my merry way to get some dinner :-)

IMHO, the best place to get a kebab is from Betsia Kebabs on symonds st (across from where ray used to live) so I got a lamb kebab on rice, while thea had a combination on rice...

But to get to the point of this rather lengthy and meandering write-up, guess what I came across ^_^

yes gents, a pill store to get all your herbal *ahem* remedies, stocking all the fave brand party pills and such :-) I didn't look too closely, but I'm sure they had bongs in there as well :-)

On another note, has anyone tried those hot coffee in a can thingies
My workmate brought it in the other day, and I must say that it's not too shabby at all :-) and here I was thinking that I'd have to wait till I got to japan to try something like that ^_^


not12complain said...

Its great that you volunteer and able to give blood! Curious: Do they still weigh you as well? I think you have to over a certain weight to be able to give blood. Is this still the case?

Nalini Singh said...

Hey, don't knock Japanese vending machines. It's AMAZING what you can buy out of them.

Shakoo said...

I believe that you need to be a certain weight (dependent on your sex), as well as having good blood iron levels. I've never had to be weighed before giving blood, as i'm fairly chunky, so that's never been an issue for me.

teeheee would never knock japanese vending machines - in fact, can't wait to visit japan and make my way down a row of vending machines just getting all sorts of stuff in cans/packets :-)