Friday, July 01, 2005


This is interesting. I think it may be a smart move for M$..

I'm surprised this was not done sooner. Should be good for the environment and for the public. Otherwise it will be like asia where can accumulate soot in your nose.

Sad. Althought he story doesn't say anything about what had happened to the guy he caught and the others that got away.

It is similar on queen st on fridays and saturdays...even though you are defending yourself, they simply pick up anyone they see and DO NOT believe what they say. I guess if you are in the police's position, would you believe the person you caught if he/she says it is self defense?

Any quick thinking person can use it as an excuse.

I also think this is a case of racism. Because he is an islander police assume he was the trouble maker rather than the theif-catcher.

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