Monday, July 04, 2005

Say it with Feelings.

Fri night was good. I do not have photos though..perhaps someone can post some if they managed to take photos.


Jigs was very dramatic. He'll definitely get an Oscar for that.

Monday, Monday. I don't like mondays very much but I don't think I hate it either. Somehow I think of mondays as the first day towards the 4 more days and it is the weekend.

It is usually the saturday or sunday that bothers me. "One more day and its back to work Monday..."

Anyway I'm not that fussed about it. As long as the traaffic is acceptible and it does not rain, I'm fine. It is ok to rain as long as I'm not on the road. :)

Speaking of traffic... N'Western lane layout changed today. It is somewhat confusing but it is for the better. The traffice after the St Lukes on ramp usually pile up especially on the outer lanes due to the traffic exiting on Newton, heading to the Port, and heading south on the Southern motorway. But in the new layout, the Newton exit is still on the outermost lane, then followed by Nelson street exit (yes it is now on the left). then the Southern MWay then Port.

In a way it still builds up on the innermost lanes now but the people exiting on newton and nelson are not trapped by those going south.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, there will be a lane that goes directly to the Northern MWay. Makes sense to me. Surprise they didn't do that in the first place.

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